Brrrrrrrr! This post is cold!
Gotcha? Yes! No? I don't know. Well this blog post is going to get your brain frozen! Not literally, can we just chill and read on? Get it? Never mind. Before we chill and that, check the first and second blog posts first if you haven't already. If you have, read on. Everyone should know Antarctica, also known as the South Pole, is the world's coldest continent, there are no polar bears, just penguins, whales, birds, fish and seals. In fact, it's so cold that it doesn't rain! This is due to the cold temperature so there is little moisture in Antarctica. Even with water, the ice is so dry it's classified as a desert, it's even dryer than the world hottest desert, the Sahara. At night, you might know Aurora Borealis, this happens due to charged particles during a solar flare, they collide with the Earth's magnetic field. As they collide they make countless bursts of light, called photons, and that's an Aurora Borealis. This proves that the...