
Showing posts from March, 2018


Hello. Why are you checking Karl's blog you naughty boy/girl? Oh, if you want to read Karl's blog, how about an answer to little riddle... 1.Most of the wonders and mysteries lie here. 2.I can feel the intense pressure anywhere. 3.It is a very dark, dangerous and cold place. 4.Things must depend on their own or/and other things around it. 5.It is an extensive place. 6. Lots of things that are impossible also lie here. JK! This week we are working on using descriptive language by sharing our writing straight onto our blog.  The challenge we have is to describe a place using only six sentences. After reading the description you need to guess the place that has been described. It would really help if you say what clues helped you come to this conclusion. Also, did you answer my riddle? Hmmm?

Reading - Seaweek!

Hey there! For a couple of days in reading we have been looking at synthesising. We used our prior knowledge and the new knowledge to learn more facts, and how we can connect our prior and new knowledge. We watched videos about the ocean and read posters. This knowledge is going to be used later on. The facts were shocking. I learnt that reading is not just reading books. It's gaining and gathering information. From those videos I learnt that a such small animal, can change the ocean. They 'filter feed' the water making it crystal clear. I shared that knowledge in my reading class. Here is the site of the videos and the poster I made.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Hey guys.  For a couple weeks we been discussing, questioning and answering about the history of the Waitangi Treaty. While reading throughout the story we had questions to answer. Most of them are easy. After we read the story we can remember what happened. Then we had to answer comprehension questions. Once we finished it, we gathered around, discussing the answers. Here a photo of the story and the link of my work of Waitangi day. What I really learnt about Waitangi day is that it was a day of debating and protesting. The link is here.