Persuasive writing

Hey! Read this because it will have all you wished for!

Just kidding, but over couple of weeks we have been working for a pink beanbag (The best you will ever have). We had to use persuasive writing to convince people to buy it (We are not selling for real.). Then we used Google Drawing to advertise the "most amazing beanbag". Here is mine.


  1. Hi my name is Fairs and I'm in your class. I really like how you are trying to make them buy it. I liked how you are telling them buy it for $16.89 and get a second one for 10% discount!. I saw you and you were wasting no time. Maybe you could fill in the gap under the photo.

    1. Thanks Faris! You're my friendie.

  2. Hi my name is Tyson and I'm in your class. I really like how you are trying to make them buy it. I liked how you are telling them buy it for $16.89 and get a second one for 10% discount!. I saw you and you were wasting no time. Maybe you could fill in the space next to the photo. maybe next time can you put less world on it.

  3. ........ my name is jeff


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