Improvements to Comments

Hey guys! Today I made comment in the early afternoon. Now I'm improved it. I did add a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment. But I thought I should add some more detail on my thoughtful and helpful parts of the comment. It was clear and understandable, but it needed a tad more detail. I thought I needed more detail because I noticed it didn't have the reason why. The reason was the detail I needed. What I learned is that sometimes things need more detail to make it more clear. We picked a buddy (I had Emelio ). Then we commented on their blog. I SMRF-ed (Stands for Stop, Make a copy, Rename, File) a Google Drawing. . I also added questions because it didn't have some. I also tweaked mistakes that don't exactly make sense. I was happy with both the orginal comment and the improved one. But the improved comment I was happier with because it explains I lot more. It was a pretty easy thing to do for me. I finished with more than enough time to blog this. So here it ...